» Quetta Dry Fruits is a store based in Quetta, specializing in dry fruits. It is a project of Mehtab Enterprises, which has been engaged in the wholesale dry fruits business for the last two decades. Orders can be placed via WhatsApp at 03218005593.


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  • Dry fruits are fruits that have had their water content removed through a drying process, either naturally through the sun or through artificial means like dehydration. This process leaves the fruit with a concentrated sweetness, a chewy texture and a longer shelf life. Some of the most common dry fruits include raisins, dates, figs, apricots, prunes, and cranberries. Dry fruits are nutrient-rich and are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They can be consumed as a healthy snack or added to various dishes, including salads, cereals, baked goods, and trail mixes. Due to their high sugar content, it is important to consume dry fruits in moderation.